Normally when I walk around Green Lake with Robin and I have my camera, I might use up half a roll of film. So, of course, I wouldn’t need more than an empty CF card. I still hear that first shutter click that says"no film in camera," and I think about panicking, but now my response is, "Fire away! It’s free!" (Free, ha!)
It was one of those cerulean blue, Seattle winter days after the storm has cleared and before the inversion layer has set up. Mid morning and the sun was barely over the rooftops; our shadows stretched for 20 feet. The bare branches of the brambles were etched with brilliant light and black shadow. I stopped to photograph, I walked and photographed, I played with what I saw and captured it. "Look, Doug’s got a new toy!" was how Robin put it.
In sunlight the LCD readout was truly useless, so I ignored it completely. I had a camera with a lot of not-film in it, so I blazed away without reviewing my capture. But alas, not enough not-film in it. In addition, my battery was nearly empty. The last third of a mile I was parsing out the final dozen frames, and hoping the camera would stay powered up for the duration.