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Dave Julian


Glad you have finally bitten deep into the endlessly reaching arm of the digital monster. But do not worry; as like all mythical beasts, knowing it brings great magic to those who study its secrets and master its power.

True, it is a costly journey, but in your hands it will soon give you freedom, expression and control that no analog process can rival. It will also make you love your Xpan even more!

Best wishes,



Hey, I'm also a fellow owner of the 20D, I find it to be a pretty handy tool.

I’m curious which stock agencies accepted 20D images and which did not?

Just my two cents”” but I would recommended against getting a third party file management utility. Currently I’m using the Adobe CS file browser using keyboarding and it is working decent. Yes it could be a lot better… I can’t say too much but I’ll put it this way, I have some friends who are beta testing for the next version of Photoshop and according to them there will be no need for a file management utility when the next version comes out.

Well enjoy the new camera… thanks for the read.

Your neighbor,


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