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Michael Wienholt

Nice site, thanks.

I'm between jobs (moving to Tucson on Jan. 15) and had some frequent flyer miles and a buddy in Portland, so I flew to PDX on Monday and was whisked away to Olympia. I missed the bird by 2.5 hours. My friend hd seen it 2 days previous. Spent the rest of the day searching - no luck. Flew home to San Diego the next morning. Probably should have stayed another day, but I'm not a twitcher (normally).

The locals were a bemused bunch. The fellow whose yard apparently hosted the bird most frequently didn't say anything to the group when I was there but he looked as thought the enthusiasm was waning. The fun part of this adventure for me was the idea that a vagrabt can show up anywhere/anytime in your own "patch". Reinforces the feeling in me that watching birds is more than keeping a list. It can simply be a way to think about the wider world and wonder.

Michael Wienholt
Poway, CA


As one of "the locals," thank you for this post - it is interesting to see a cohesive statement from one of the birders. I've read the newspaper articles, but blogs are certainly nice to see. I just hope you weren't one of the people with a walkie talkie. (smile)

MIchael Wienholt

No, I had no "Walkie-Talkie". But your comment reminded me of the time I chased the Smew in Tracy, CA some years ago. Talk about radios and "bemused locals". My favorite comment was: "Have you seen the Russian Duck?".


Michael Wienholt
Tucson, AZ

P.S. Come to AZ and set up your camera in my backyard - 88 species and counting!

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