I am taking down my Paris Panoramic show at Torrefazione Italia, the Fremont location, tomorrow morning. It has been a great run—the show rotated through all three café locations in Seattle. I sold more work from this exhibition than any previous show, which either speaks to an economy finally waking from a coma, or that I match the discerning taste of these particular coffeeshop dwellers. Or that I lowered my price to the point where the market finally responded.
Europe is where I seem to do my best work. Something on the continent speaks to my artistic core. And I seem to have found a market for photographs of classic European cities. So, on January 10th I travel to Venice, Italy to make some more. Help me get there.
I’m offering a steep discount on an advance print subscription. Buy a Venice photograph now and it will cost you only $250. These will be my limited edition panoramic black and white prints, with an image size of 8"x22". You’ll have your pick on my return. A pledge is fine—I can collect later. Reply by email. Thanks!
And the blog from Venice starts on 11 January.