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Hold on, if there is nothing to clean up on the film why would there be anythign to clean up on the digital files? It's not that the film has nothing to clean up, it's just that the tools don't make it as easy at this point in the process, but somene will be cleaning it up once it's scanned. Really you are just passing the buck, doing your own post processing versus letting someone at a color house do it. I don't think one way is right or wrong but there is no differencce, the work will be done. But shooting cleanly should make post processing a pretty minamal task, I still can't figure out where people lose hours per image doing post processing before they know the use and type of press or printer they are going to hit.


Hold on, if there is nothing to clean up on the film why would there be anythign to clean up on the digital files? It's not that the film has nothing to clean up, it's just that the tools don't make it as easy at this point in the process, but somene will be cleaning it up once it's scanned. Really you are just passing the buck, doing your own post processing versus letting someone at a color house do it. I don't think one way is right or wrong but there is no differencce, the work will be done. But shooting cleanly should make post processing a pretty minamal task, I still can't figure out where people lose hours per image doing post processing before they know the use and type of press or printer they are going to hit.

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