I’m in the last, hasty preparations for Photo Lucida in Portland, which starts tomorrow night. This is one of the big review events for us fine art photographers, where we circulate and get our twenty minutes of sole attention from people in the field who can make a difference to our careers. I’ve been arranging my boxes of prints, making difficult decisions of which will be in my presentation box and which I keep aside as backups. I’ve been preparing leave-behinds and little booklets and business cards with an image, thus keeping the Epson printer running all day. And I’ve had assignments to shoot in between all this preparation.
The "Nightmare Scenario" job has lightened considerably for the subsequent portraits. One was at the zoo, with my subject holding an owl. Another at the warehouse for our big foodbank operation, one at an assisted living home, and today I’m off to an arts center where I’ll have a bunch of ballet dancers en pointe in the garden behind my donors. It’s going to be a great bunch of photos, which I would show here if my client didn’t have first publication rights. I solved the technical problems by borrowing another Xpan with a working PC connection from a colleague, and renting Pocket Wizards to synch the strobes instead of my IR slaves. That first shoot was a harrowing reminder of the need to keep my technique in good shape and my wits in top form by shooting for myself constantly.
I’ll be posting regular dispatches from Portland in the coming week.