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Christian Kline

Maybe the functionality has just changed - and you need to learn a different way of working with the software. I'm still figuring it out as well - but I've been using it for a while and it's working great.
I know it's frustrating to have to learn new things while you are in production mode - but in my use CS2 is no more buggy than CS1.

Eric Hendrickson

Indeed! This has to be the buggiest commercial product I've ever purchased! I'm very very disappointed. I'm very close to uninstalling this entire bloated pile of crap and going back to versions that actually work.

I can't get through a single day without at least one "Microsoft C++ Runtime Error" or "Operation could not be completed because of a program error"!

How dare they charge $1,200 for this collection of broken tools? Adobe needs to address some serious holes in their testing process. This product is far from ready for release.

I have to reboot after using Acrobat otherwise Photoshop will not even load. Now that's some pretty nice integration there.

There damned well better be a patch for this thing. And soon! This sucks!

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