The computer has been chugging away on its own since mid-afternoon. It’s mid-evening now, and the task is about half completed. I have a Photoshop automated action at work converting my RAW files to the jpgs that the client wants. The first edit carved the pile down to about 1800 images.
I am faster than I was a few weeks ago. Processing the RAW files for the UC assignment took me only two days. I lost part of yesterday morning, driving to three locations around town hoping I could find the new Photoshop upgrade, which purports to be much faster at RAW file processing, but no luck. I went online to order it, and went to work.
I still need to make a tight edit of the best shots, which will take another half day. Released from bondage to the monitor, I opened a week’s worth of mail and found a certificate for an Honorable Mention (for the photo above) from last year’s Lucie Awards. I had no idea I had won anything this year, or I would have done some publicity about it. The Lucie Awards is trying to be the Oscars for photography, but it is unclear to me how successful they are at it. In 2003 I won one of the competition divisions ("Fine Art Landscape Photographer of the Year"), and went to the glitzy ball in LA. For this boy from the provinces, it was a surreal experience.