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Kim Zumwalt

Hey Doug, its been fun reading your blog and seeing so many overlapping incidents. E.g. we now have "mirror mittens" on our cars, to stop the juncos from expending so much of their energy fighting off their own reflections. Also, I have some photos placed with Iconica, and was planning to send them a lot more, so I was interested to hear (heard it here first!) about the Getty purchase of Photonica and Iconica. I am wondering what it is going to mean for the photographers. I'm prompted to write now because of your continuing lamentations over the loss of the "First Selected Image" as an easy way to convert in CS1. I got Scott Kelby's CS2 book, and he spells out the new, simple way to do the same thing (page 70, chpt. 3). I actually find it better than the CS1 way, because it lets you select which settings to apply, or to apply all the settings. You may already have figured this out and decided you don't like it, but here it is just in case: after you make your adjustments on the first image, under Apply Camera Raw Settings (Edit menu), choose Copy Camera Raw Settings. Then select all the other images you want those settings (or a subset of those settings) applied to. Go to Paste Camera Raw Settings under Apply Camera Raw Settings, choose which settings you want applied (or let it stand as "everything") in the box that opens, and you're done. To me, it doesn't really seem much more complicated than the old way, and it gives more flexibility. Blah blah geek speak, but its fun, huh?

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