I almost titled this, "We Was Robbed," but that would imply I had more attachment to this game than is the case. Yes, if the referee calls had gone differently, we would have won. Had we played cleaner, and didn’t foul so often, we could have won. But this is not Bush-Kerry, where the other side played dirty, and we was robbed.
For two weeks I have been amused and bemused by the incessant chatter in the media about the Super Bowl, and that, of all improbable possibilities that could come to pass, the Seahawks were in it. My favorite was an above-the-fold headline one day in the Post-Intelligencer which read, "Frenzy Slow to Build." Frenzy? About a football game? In erudite, elitist Seattle? And that it’s news that there isn’t one?
I think this may have been the first football game in my life I have actually sat through in its entirety and watched all the plays. I have though, on occasion, taped the Super Bowl so I could scroll through the boring bits (the Game) and watch the commercials.
But now it’s over and done with. I think there will be a collective sign of relief in this city tomorrow. It wouldn’t do to upset our smug sense of superiority and actually care about a winning sports franchise like those lesser, decrepit cities in the East do because they have no other way to sustain their self-esteem. We’re not likely to have to face this challenge again anytime soon. The Mariners start up in a few weeks. I have high hopes for another year of failure snatched from the jaws of victory. Some things never change.