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about which space to work in, i think that here the idea of the raw file as digital negative comes in handy. you want to preserve as much information as possible, as far along the pipeline as you can. even though your client may not know how to deal with anything but sRGB, converting into this much smaller space too early means that modifications you make may clip to the space in various ways, before this may be the best thing to happen.

from my understanding, working in 16-bit Pro Photo RGB as long as possible, even into Photoshop, and then converting at the end, after sharpening, filters, and so on, will preserve as much data as possible. save a full bit-depth psd file before converting though. this makes future adjustments possible without having to go back to the CR2, in case you need to re-print, re-adjust, and so on.

btw, have you tried an Epson R2400 or 4800 for B&W yet?

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