Boys are different than girls. At Stern the girls covered their faces and ran. At Yeshiva the boys chased me down. "Can I be on the website? Please? Please? Please?"
As I became a familiar figure on campus, my ability to disrupt events increased several fold. I’d walk into a classroom, and everyone would twitter and whisper, a guy in the back would raise both hands and point to his friends, as though to say, take our pictures, back here! I was like the biggest attraction for the year in a room full of 8th graders. In one class, when I raised my camera to photograph the professor, the room erupted. This was too disruptive, I thought, so I left without taking the photo. The room booed.
A young man chased me from the class to the building lobby. "You have to take my picture. You need me for the brochure. I’m from Jerusalem. They have to use my photo." Seeing that I was up against an Israeli, I knew I would never prevail. He continued, "Over here, the light’s good, you can take my portait. Come, do it."
He was right. He looks pretty good.