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Henry Wessel is a wonderful photographer and it's great to see him finally get some recognition. I think the timing of the Times article was related to the upcoming release of a book on him by Stiedl, actually a compilation of his first 5 books.

His comment about waiting a year to look at contacts is particularly acute. I think the most overlooked issue in the digital revolution is the transformation of the editing process. Shooting and editing are two very unique activities. In the film age they were naturally separated by the need to process film and make contacts, or in the case of Wessel an even longer division was enforced. But in the digital age every picture can be evaluated instantly, right after it is shot. If you are very disciplined you can wait a year to look at your digital images but I think most photographers glance at the camera back after each shot, deciding internally Yes or No? The whole process which used to be spread over weeks of thought is now compressed into seconds, and I think the fundamental importance of this constriction has been overlooked in all the digital hype about resolution, printing methods, etc.


'Soft eyes'. I like it. What an excellent term for the feeling of seeing photographs.

One of the things that I find about waiting a while before editing and printing photos is that a smaller proportion get selected. I think this has to do with me seeing the neg/file for what it is rather than for what my memory says that it might have been. But it may also be something to do with the fact that in-arrears editing tends to be dealing with larger batches of photos....

The Stiedl book/collection is in-print.

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