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"SATA drives are not reliable. They’re very sensitive to vibration. Put two SATA next to each other and they don’t get along."

That makes no sense. The difference in SATA and the older IDE is in the controller chip and the connector. The disk platters and other moving parts are the same. If the drives are too close to each other and they operate at different speeds, then yes, vibrations issues can occur, but that's the case for any kind of drive. I'd be curious to know where Mr. Goldner came up with that information as I have never heard anything about it nor can I find anything on it.

Holographic storage: They've been claiming that it is almost here since the early '80s. I'll believe it when I see a working product on the market.

Jeff Goldner

Sorry I didn't see this earlier. If you are not familiar with desktop drive mechanics, you might want to look at http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/8/f/98f3fe47-dfc3-4e74-92a3-088782200fe7/TWST05005_WinHEC05.ppt or other material on rotational vibration provided by disk vendors. Dave Anderson is an excellent source - just use your favorite search engine.

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