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Eric Hancock

I'm using Museo Silver Rag, Innova's FibaPrint Glossy, Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl, and Oriental's Graphica FB glossy.

All have different finishes that are reasonably close to some kind of silver paper, and all are able to reproduce great images.

Fine Art Pearl seems to have the best profiles, making printing somewhat easier than the rest.

The Oriental paper has been so-so with monochome images, but has been spectacular on color.

The FibaPrint has been great with monochrome images and fleshtones.

I'm withholding judgement on the Silver Rag, as I like the surface, but I find the poor profiles very frustrating (I waste a lot of paper).

It is quite exciting to have enough of a selection of papers to choose the best one for the image. And these are just the glossy ones.

Paul McEvoy

Hi Doug,

Just wondering what kind of printer you are using?

Paul McEvoy


david adam edelstein

OK, I just downloaded the NegPos plugin. Wow. That's really terrific. Saves me hours of correction, really, to get negs to look like they did in the darkroom.

James Poyner

Couldn't agree more on the NegPos plug-in Doug. I thought it was wonderful... until I tried ColorNeg from the same clever people at c-f-systems. Even better! Much easier interface to understand and it works just as well with B&W as colour.

Keep up the good work

Gareth Jolly

Have a look at www.imagescience.com.au

They have some B&W profiles for siler rag for their Epson large format printer but the profiles seem to work well on my Epson R2400

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