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Clint Weathers

Your wife clearly rocks.

Now I'm going to print this off for my gf.


Minneapolis, MN

Bruce Nall

Doug, you are very lucky to enjoy such understanding!

Robin, your understanding is amazing!

Wil Smith

Brought tears to my eyes..
I want to give her a big hug and she's not my wife.
Doug, that's your cue.


Hi Doug,

I sent this link to my girlfriend, and asked her if I was this bad. She said not yet!! She has been taking books and blankets to our outings in national parks but has never taken food.

I think you just added a few more things I will have to pack when going out photographing. And not camera gear!!

Praise for the people who people who put up with our hobbies!

Chantal Stone

This is brilliant...and can apply to HUSBANDS of photographers as well....I'm sending the link to my hubby... Many thanks to your fabulously understanding wife!

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