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Dan Mitchell

Hi: I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have enjoyed following it.

Regarding the Lowepro Slingshot 200AW: I also own this bag and, for what its worth, my experience has been different than yours. It is my most used bag. (And I'm considerably older than 30... :-)

Mine carries one body and four lenses plus other assorted smaller stuff. I use it for some hiking and for a lot of urban stuff. I like the fact that the single strap lets me swing it around in front to access the bags contents, and then swing it back out of the way.

Like you, I also seem to collect camera and gear bags - it must be some kind of disease!

Take care,



I have to ask....

Which bags to you like ;)

Doug Plummer

Anything by ThinkTank. I took their SpeedFreak bag on my last trip. It's a really small bag that holds everything. I just bought a backpack bag that'll hold a laptop too for my next assignment.


I'm looking for a bag, to hold a laptop + camera + couple lenses. shouldn't be too big though.

What would you recommend?


I'm a fan of the LowePro Slingshot. Everything Dan says is true and it also acts as a half decent support for elbows when swung round to the front. You are sticking you arm AND your head through the strap aren't you?

I recently took it up the Big Horn mountains and it was a dream.

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