I collect camera bags the way some people collect shoes. Someday I will find the perfect one. An unavoidable consequence of this obsession is that I have a bunch of bags I never use.
Before I go the Ebay route, I want to offer loyal readers the opportunity to take a look first and see if anything strikes your fancy. Just because it didn’t work for me doesn’t mean it’s not your perfect bag. These are all lightly used bags. Make me an offer via email (there’s an encrypted "email me" link to your right). We'll settle via Paypal. If I get competing offers the next time I check my email, I’ll take the highest.
Lowepro Slingshot 200AW. Hardly used. Could never figure out how this one-strap backpack thing worked (I think you have to be under 30), but it seems to be one of the most popular bags out there. Link to product specs here.
Tamrac Turbo CyberPro 5618 (what a studly-sounding name for a bag!). Big, deep, holds a laptop. Holds a lot of gear. A whole lot of gear. Try lifting it when it holds a lot of gear. Specs here (but you'll have to search through the site to get to the right page).
Lowepro CompuTrekker Plus AW. This is a big backpack style bag that also holds a computer. I’m almost reluctant to part with this one, but it duplicates about three other bags that I have. Cool feature is the tripod pouch on the back. Specs here.
Old Tamrac fanny pack. This one’s ancient, yet hardly used. Ultra simple—one big compartment (lined with Velcro), one outside zippered pouch. Nothing else to it.
Hi: I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have enjoyed following it.
Regarding the Lowepro Slingshot 200AW: I also own this bag and, for what its worth, my experience has been different than yours. It is my most used bag. (And I'm considerably older than 30... :-)
Mine carries one body and four lenses plus other assorted smaller stuff. I use it for some hiking and for a lot of urban stuff. I like the fact that the single strap lets me swing it around in front to access the bags contents, and then swing it back out of the way.
Like you, I also seem to collect camera and gear bags - it must be some kind of disease!
Take care,
Posted by: Dan Mitchell | September 27, 2006 at 05:02 PM
I have to ask....
Which bags to you like ;)
Posted by: James | September 27, 2006 at 07:19 PM
Anything by ThinkTank. I took their SpeedFreak bag on my last trip. It's a really small bag that holds everything. I just bought a backpack bag that'll hold a laptop too for my next assignment.
Posted by: Doug Plummer | September 27, 2006 at 08:03 PM
I'm looking for a bag, to hold a laptop + camera + couple lenses. shouldn't be too big though.
What would you recommend?
Posted by: bg | September 28, 2006 at 03:35 AM
I'm a fan of the LowePro Slingshot. Everything Dan says is true and it also acts as a half decent support for elbows when swung round to the front. You are sticking you arm AND your head through the strap aren't you?
I recently took it up the Big Horn mountains and it was a dream.
Posted by: JohnJo | September 28, 2006 at 04:34 AM