I’ve been getting quite the response to my PDA inquiry. Thanks all. The consensus seems to be telling me to give it up and get with the program: Get a phone/PDA combo. I looked at the Treo at my Verizon outlet, and I could see this working. I couldn’t see it working with the price they wanted though, over $600 (my contract isn’t up for another 5 months).
This won’t happen soon regardless. I just picked up my Outback from the repair shop. Lets just say that after the new clutch, the overhauled brakes, the new valve cover and the 60K service, I think I’m going to have to stick to a paper calendar for awhile. Or skip the next two mortgage payments to make up the difference.
dunno about verizon (im in canada) but if its a GSm network buy the handset unlocked on EBay - that way you get the handset you want and dont have to renew a contract. Im on rogers up in canada and thats how ive done my last 3 upgrades, sure it costs a bit more then the 3-year term price, but the fact i dont have to commit to anything rocks.
www.easycell.ca is a great site for unlocked GSM phones if you don't like the ebay route.
Posted by: Graham | October 08, 2006 at 10:19 AM