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It's "dander" not "gander."




I wonder, does the early 90's copyright extention to architecture bother anyone?

And: This take on the stock photo market sounds like another long tail scenario.

Sure puts a damper on the high end market by limiting it to those who can tell the difference and have a need for it.

lpkb (shutterstock user)

I've heard this argument before and would be interested in hearing from a professional photographer whether you think these models of business are not just "stealing" clients, but also opening up new markets--people/organizations who wouldn't have purchased imagery before but can now afford it?

Most of the big companies will still pay for exclusivity (or much closer to exclusivity than these models!) won't they? I guess I wonder if it is just a way to help the little guy (small organizations, non-profits, churches...whose budget doesn't include line items for photos).


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