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Josh Wand

On the sequencing problem-- why not put a timecode as part of the filename, or, alternatively, sort by capture time and then renumber the whole group?

I don't use photomechanic, but I'm sure you must be able to do one of these.

How are you downloading from the cards? Are you actually using photomechanic for that part? You might want to use a product like Breeze Downloader (for windows) or ImageIngester (for OS X) that can dynamically assign new file names AS you are downloading from the cards. No more filename collisions!

David Adam Edelstein

A second for Breeze downloader pro, which makes sure that all of my files are pre-named when they hit my computer. The templating is quite powerful and you can basically make any of the metadata part of the filename -- I wonder if that includes the camera s/n or something.

Mostly though I wanted to say, holy smokes, I had no idea the difference between different cameras of the same model was so much. That's wild.

Graham R.

I used to use downloader but i have recently switched over to Image Ingester: http://www.basepath.com/ImageIngester/

the main reason was because its cross platform and the "pro" version supports multi-camera imports.
I'm on windows right now but the Pro feature set is something that has me anxious for it to be ported.
Also, you can apply any of your Camera raw templates at the time of import - making that initial meta-data entry go faster or even applying your batch camera-1 corrections when you download.
Like breeze it will also rename, sort, and make a backup copy of the files for you.

best thing about it is that the basic version is free... and well... thats a hard price to beat.

QT Luong

If you learn any scripting language (such as the unix shell included in OS X), it's really not difficult to write a dozen lines of code to rename downloaded images to what you actually want.

QT Luong

If you learn any scripting language (such as the unix shell included in OS X), it's really not difficult to write a dozen lines of code to rename downloaded images to what you actually want (as opposed to what some programmer thought would be useful).

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