Marita Holdaway, Seattle’s photographic treasure, is hosting a rare exhibit competition to get on the schedule at Benham gallery. This is probably of interest to Northwest photographers primarily, as her submission requirements are quirky and a little onerous.
This requires a two part application, with two separate deadlines, one for the exhibit materials, and one for the work itself. The work has to be delivered between January 3 and 8 at the gallery, 1218 First Avenue, Seattle, 98101. The application has to be in her hands by December 21.
Here’s the interesting wrinkle. There will be a group exhibit at Benham of all the work that has been dropped off, with an opening and the works. Then the public gets a vote, and the winners will get on the exhibit calendar for 2008/2009. What is required here is work that is mature and ready to go, from photographers with the experience and wherewithal to have a quality body of work ready to mount. As Marita said, "I’ve spent 20 years growing up photographers. I want people who don’t need that."
Here are the requirements to submit.
1) One copy of your resume, including your exhibition record.
2) Up to 24 images, either on a CD, or gang printed, 4 to 6, on a page.
3) One or two exhibition-quality matted prints, no larger than 24"x30" matted. Your work can be larger, just send something that matches it at the required size, and note such on the application. These are what have to arrive between January 3 and 8.
4) Fees: $30 for one print, $50 for 2.
5} SASE for return of your prints, or pick up in person between February 13 and 16.
6) The application form (link here), with information on the prints you will submit, the CD, resume, and fees, by December 21. Marita’s going out of town, and will look at all these materials then. If they’re not there by then, she won’t see them.
7) The gallery commision is 50%. Make sure the retail price on the application form reflects that.
Go to this link for the rest of what you need to know.