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Paul Butzi

Ok, ok.

I'm not sure it qualifies as ranting. Puzzling, maybe. Or musing. Yeah, that's the ticket. I've been musing on handholding and tripods.

It's not that I'm opposed to handholding on principle. I actually think handholding is fine; the problem is that when I try to do it, it doesn't seem to work for me. It's kind of embarassing, actually; I'm completely tripod addicted.

Maybe that's a little exaggeration. But still... honestly, it's not that I'm opposed to handholding, I'd actually like to expand my working style.

And that brings me to my question - how do you like that 24-105 compared to, say, the older 28-70 f/2.8L? Enquiring minds want to know. Because (ahem) I've been eyeing that lens for a while, now.

Andy Chen

My experience is similar to Doug's. I use the 24-105IS 90% of the time. Shooting handheld allows me to be more spontaneous in trying out various compositions. I've gotten dependent enough on this freedom that I'll usually bump up to a high ISO rather than grab my tripod.

24-105 vs 18-70? The 24-105 suits my shooting style, which prefers the extra focal range over the one stop wider lens.

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