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I'm curious about your exceeding caution with respect to cleaning the 5d (I'm considering one, but will have to change lenses frequently and can't see myself taking it in for regular cleanings). Have you had direct experience with fragility of the sensor--stories from friends or such? Especially considering the 5d is known as something of a dust magnate, it gives me pause.

Doug Plummer


It's mostly that I can't get the hang of it. I have never touched my sensor with any cleaning product that didn't make it worse. Brushes always leave streaks, so do pads, Speckgrabber leaves goo. I can afford to have a pro do it, so I do.

All cameras throw off more dust when they're new. There's all the debris and metal bits from the assembly process, and then there's a mirror flapping the breeze in there until things settle down. For the first couple months I had worse dust problems than I do now.

I had the same issues with the Mark II and the 20D, so I don't think here's anything special about the 5D in this regard.

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