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Thanks for posting this. By the way, the internet is a lovely thing for us introverts: we can engage with the world, but not have to be out in it all the time.


Thanks for posting this. By the way, the internet is a lovely thing for us introverts: we can engage with the world, but not have to be out in it all the time.


Damn- and I had just decided that I'd be a better photographer if I was an extrovert..

''The photographer creates, evolves a better, more selective, more acute seeing eye by looking ever more sharply at what is going on in the world. Like every means of expression, photography, if it is to be utterly honest and direct, should be related to the life of the times- the pulse of today. The photograph may be presented as finely or as artistically as you will; but to merit serious consideration, must be connected with the world we live in.'' -Berenice Abbott

stephen connor

The annual convention is gonna be murder.

chuck kimmerle

It'd be a great convention. I could eat my donut during the break without wondering why I'm the only not in a conversation with folks I hardly know.

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