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Robin Shapiro

It's not fair that my 4 a.m. writer's brain has gotten engaged in your project. Here are some narrative subjects that might go into your book.
1. Laying down the bamboo dance floor at Seattle Folklife Festival.
2. Sweeping floors in traditional dance halls.
3. People arriving/changing shoes/ uncasing instruments
4. Finding partners (a sequence of s.o. asking different people to dance, then standing in hands-four.
5. People looking up at the caller.
6. A lesson: people looking at a demonstration couple/quartet.
7. Specific moves: bowing, a gypsy, contracorners, chain-across, men or women in an allemande, etc. etc. etc.
8. People clapping after a dance.
9. The waltz.
10. Water bottles.
11. Packing up.
12. Cleaning up.

It's 5:54 a.m. The cat is incredulous, sitting by the computer and staring at me. Maybe I can go back to sleep, now. Do your own damn book!
I love you.
The Wife

Doug Plummer

To the wife:

Tell me just how I am to blame for this?

Thank you, nonetheless.

The Husband


It's not only the creativity - you've got a doctoral dissertation going here. Anybody for a PhD?

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