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Jeff Henderson

I actually learned how to touch type correctly in Jr. high School and can do it quite well, (and without peeking). Unfortunately I am a horrible speller, so my WPM score is probably lower than it would be otherwise. I'm really thankful for spell checkers! I am also a Mechanical Engineer and most of the writing I do for my job is printing. As a result of printing occasionally and typing almost everything else, I too can barely write cursive any more. The only place I actually write in cursive is my signature and when I write checks. It’s refreshing to see my 9-year-old daughter learning to print neatly and write in cursive. Her school doesn’t allow any work to be typed, at least in 3rd grade. I believe they start letting them type assignments in 5 or 6th grade. I guess computers have done to the art or writing, what digital cameras & ink jet printers have done the art of film processing and dark room print making. It’s been a very long time since I’ve done both of those either.

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