As I said in a previous post, the new Drobo storage box has brought my main Windows desktop to its knees. It works fine on the Fujitsu laptop, but I thought I'd test just how well it worked.
When I turn on my laptop, I see my first Windows splash screen at 16 seconds, and the music chimes in at 46 seconds.
With the Drobo plugged in, it takes 34 seconds for the first screen to appear, and an interminable 2 and a quarter minutes for Windows to sing. That's more than a four fold increase in boot-up duration.
I think there's a big flaw here. But what is it?
I can report, though, that the response from Data Robotics has been really good. Some companies wouldn't care. This is not one of those. Granted, there are only 500 Drobos in the wild right now, and it might be a different story when there are 15,000. But they really want to solve my problem. They're shipping me out a new unit, FedEx, to see if that fixes it. Stay tuned.
Have you checked the bios to see if external drives are included in the boot up sequence?
Posted by: chuck kimmerle | June 21, 2007 at 02:53 PM
Good idea. I'll check with my computer gugu who knows about that stuff.
I did disable the legacy USB setting, which applies in the only similar instance they've seen of this event.
Posted by: Doug Plummer | June 21, 2007 at 03:02 PM
...ain't technology grand! On a more pleasent note, I was playing hooky from my day job to spend the day in Seattle, I live in Monroe, making pictures. In one of my stops at a bookstore I saw your pictures in B&W....they are very nice, congratulations. I think I got a couple of good shots, take a look if you have a minute. I enjoy your blog and perhaps we'll run into each other in Glaziers. Keep up the good work, thanks, Jim.
Posted by: Jim Scolman | June 22, 2007 at 08:46 AM