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After 15+ years of PC support I would agree that "WINDOWS Computers Suck Out Our Life Force".

After switching to Mac's about four years ago that sensation went away. Now it just works! :-)

Bruce Nall

I have been Mac based for 16 years or so. I still occasionally use an 8 or 9-year-old Mac to operate old programs and SCSI peripherals. In the 8 or 9 years of operation I have had one "sad Mac", the Mac equivalent of Windows "blue screen of death" or the "spinning circle of confusion." I am looking at a new Mac laptop - the life cycle cost is almost the same as a cheaper Windows machine and I keep my "life force" intact!

Doug Plummer

Oh please, I don't want this to devolve into a platform bashing thread. I will hold my tongue on the Mac bashing, despite the provocations. No OS has a monopoly on these problems.

I'm responsible for the upkeep of six computers. Short of winning the lottery, and reprogramming my brain to understand the weird quirks of another interface, I'm committed to the system I have.

Thomas Hawk

I tested one out on my Windows machine and it worked perfectly. Really glad that my data is being replicated now.


I have a drobo on my Macbook Pro and *love* it for the ease in which I set it up and that it just sits there dong its thing as I fill it up.

Computers in general are flaky. Hence the need for a drobo as an external source for files.

Noone is immune from conflicts and bugs and the like - just try to keep your machine healthy and be a bit OCD about keeping it up.


Doug -

I was wondering if you're continuing to have problems with it? I'm looking for a reliable solution. I had similar problems that you had with a brand new Seagate 750gb drive via USB. Turns out that the PC was USB 1.0 and had problems working with the Seagate drive which was USB 2.0 even though the drive was backward compatible with 1.0. I had this happen on 2 identical machines (both with USB 1.0) but had no errors on the other 4 machines that have USB 2.0. Anyway, I like the concept but am curious if you're still using it? And, if so, were you able to partition the drobo into separate drives so your PC could see it as muliple drives versus 1 large drive?


ps: I love your work

Doug Plummer

AP I stil use the Drobo, which is now full, but I'm looking for other options. Probably some RAID array via Firewire or Gigabit. The data transfer speed of the Drobo is too sow, and it even slows up my Macs (which I converted to after this debacle)


Thanks for the info.

I just bought your book from Lulu.com. Looking forward to viewing it.


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