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Alan Schrank

Hope, this works well, since mine is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, along with 4 500 gig drives.


Backup CYA - I've been tempted by this product, as well, since I first saw news of it several weeks ago.

I also had an experience five years ago with a 10-drive SCSI RAID box configured as a 9-drive RAID-5 array with 1 drive reserved as a hot spare.

Two of the array drives failed over one night, and the hot spare was not able to fully rebuild parity for the array. The result was no available data/files. Swapping in two good drives and restoring from tape recovered everything the next morning. We soon added a second array box and a second tape backup drive.

Have your backup strategy rigorously in effect! Never too much CYA. Best luck.

Greg Heins

And please remember: one off-site backup, in case your house burns down, among the other lovely possibilities.


I really would like to get a Drobo however, the fact that it isn't a NAS has me discouraged. If it was a NAS I would pick it up today!

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