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David Adam Edelstein

Thanks for the blow-by-blow, Doug. It's been instructive since I'm considering the same move.

I've been a customer of PC Connection since the early nineties, back before the interwebs and online shopping, and part of the reason is the terrific customer service. I bought my very first hard drive from them, in 1992 or so, and it was bad; they sent a new one out next day air BEFORE they sent their carrier to pick up the new one. I've been loyal ever since.

Ed O'Keeffe

Doug I am having the same problem as you with my Drobo - that is when I plug it into my MacBook Pro it tells me that "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" - so did you ever fix your problem and if so how? My entire achieve of raw photos are on my drobo and I need to get them off the device as soon as possible.


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