I really want to like the new Photoshop CS3. I really do. There are so many fabulous new adjustment options in the newest Camera RAW that are making my images look better than ever.
But CS3 keeps betraying me.
For one, RAW processing is still slower than in CS2, and it’s not just that there are so many more opportunities to tweak adjustments. That alone causes a productivity hit—so many more choices, so little knowledge of how to choose. But the program is sluggish to respond to any action. In CS2 it’s instant. You click, and you’re there. In CS3 there’s always a hesitation, when selecting an image, when making an adjustment, and especially when using the new Fill or Recovery slider. It’s a little like checking your email on a web server vs. using an email program on your computer where you've already downloaded your messages (it’s why web mail drives me crazy). It causes an added frisson of aggravation with everything I do. Nobody needs more aggravation in their life.
But here’s the real killer bug. There’s a ceiling on how many files you can batch process. It dies after about two to three hundred. Before the latest upgrade the program accused me of being out of memory. Now it has more obscure, and harder to trace failures: "command not available," "ddl file not found". Weird stuff. It does so much work, and then it gets tired.
I used to spend two days adjusting a couple thousand files, set it on Batch Process at the end of the day, and by morning I’d have the works converted to jpgs for my client. I have lost a key component of my workflow.
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