I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for thirty years. I have a little perspective. My considered, anecdotal opinion: it's hot.
Now we don't really have the right to whine about heat, considering what the rest of the interior West is going through right now. Ellensburg, just over the mountains, had a record setting 110° F yesterday. People are dying from this heat wave. It won't be long now before the fires start. On the wet side of the Cascades we think it's a hardship when it hits the upper 70s. I adapt by exercising in the early morning and hiding in my cool basement studio for the duration.
The lawns are turning brown early this year (it's a mark of good citizenship here to not water them), and I'm drip irrigating all my stressed trees. I remember when it didn't used to be like this, when we had "5 o'clock" summers, which was about when the sun burnt through the marine stratus layer. This, now, is our second heat wave of the season, and it's only going to get hotter next week. Seattle is going to see temps in the lower 90°s.
I wonder what we'll see after another decade or two of this?
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