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Do you think you bought a pirated copy some how?

Doug Plummer

Unlikely. I'm pretty sure I bought it at Glazers Camera, or at an otherwise mainstream retail outlet. It's a total mystery to me. If I were the confrontational sort I might show up on the guy's doorstep and ask him what he knows, but I'm not.


I went through a different yet quite annoying experience recently changing platforms (PC->Mac) for Photoshop also.

Repeated hang ups and poor connections on their customer service lines, among them:

Customer Rep: "Let me get your number in case we get disconnected so I can call you back" "Now, how can I help you"
Never called back.

The Letter of Destruction is a PDF, created in none other than Microsoft Word, with no editable forms. You can't just fill it out and email it back, you have to print it, fill it out, scan it in then email it back. So much for the paperless office.

Their customer service center handling the reply scans can only handle small JPG's created in particular programs, I attempted over 10 times to send them PNG, TIFF and JPG's created on OS X until I finally got below their email limits, within their format constraints and within the JPG constraints. Completely ridiculous for ADOBE!!

I won't even go into how going through a same platform license change of ownership completely failed on Adobes end after jumping through all the hoops. Terrible customer service.

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