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David Adam Edelstein

I think I need to form my own organization. Where's the society for amateur flaneurs?

Doug Plummer

You know, this is actually a serious issue. The profession is becoming less "professionalized," like with fly-by-night wedding photographers who think they know what they're doing because they have the same camera as the pros, and MWCs threatening the portrait studio business model. I don't mean to suggest that you're trying to pretend to be a pro (I had to look up the word "flaneur", and I bet you all did too), but the issue is, the lines are getting blurry.

Mike C.

Look it up?? Mon Dieu, you mean you've never read Baudelaire or Benjamin? Suddenly, I feel so very European...

You're right to be concerned, though: look what word-processing and DTP did to typesetting as a profession. Everyone can make a page of type now -- badly, of course, but not so badly that anyone but a connoisseur of kerns and leading would care. Of course, go back a few hundred years, and look what the typesetters themselves did to the scribes and scriveners...

Photography (as in "still images made with a camera") will inevitably go the way of old "reproductive" technologies like etching and engraving, and become the province of amateurs & artists. Luckily for you guys, I can't see the demand for compelling images doing anything but increasing -- I guess pros "just" have to keep ahead of the technology curve, deliver quality and reliability, and -- as you suggest -- organise effectively in self-defense. Lots of luck!

Doug Plummer

I'm an uncouth American, what do you expect? It's a French word, for crying out loud.

You're right, though, being a pro now means being nimble and embracing insecurity. But it always has. There is no five year interval in my career where the beginning and the end of that time at all resembles each other. It's always about reinvention.

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