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stephen connor

Sort of not totally on topic, but, if you're in the mood for a movie, go see "Becoming Jane". Why am I recommending this movie to you - beyond the fact that it's good - you ask? Keep your eyes and ear peeled for the "contra dance" reference!


Cool, a non-MW square dance. Do you know of any others?

Doug Plummer

If you're in the Northwest, we're becoming a hotbed for community, non MWSD dancing. Portland had a dance weekend recently, "Dare To Be Square," and we're starting to see more squares called at contra dances. Everything comes around. If you're in the Northeast, search out a Ralph Sweet dance, who was recently feted at the Ralph Page Legacy Dance Weekend, or do a search for Kathy Anderson, one of the greatest ever midwest square callers. Or anything Tony Parkes calls--I have never had so much fun dancing squares as done by him.

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