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Jeff Henderson


Very cool! You really captured the feeling of the event with your photos and sound. I really got a sense of what is must have been like to have been there. Only one comment though, I thought the pictures changed a little fast near the end, the effect was almost motion like, but it made me a little dizzy. Smoother transitions between slides that change rapidly might help. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your video's. How long did it take you to put this together? Looks like a lot of work, but the end result is quite striking.

Doug Plummer

It was about 6 hours from scratch, which means not knowing a thing about either sound editing or slideshow software, or even owning either kind of software. I wish I could have aligned the musical rhythm and the transitions a bit neater. I know there are ways, I just don't know them.

Colin Jago

So the book is going to have a DVD tucked in the back?

This was really an enchanting presentation. I think, for your purposes here, much better than video proper. You already have the motion in the stills.

(I understand the drive to video for professional reasons, but that is a different consideration).

On the question of the fades and aligns, a little bit of rawness with a subject so energetic is no bad thing.


It's neat to see you expanding your repertoire in this way. The powerful storytelling quality of your photos takes on a new dimension when combined with sound. I look forward to seeing what you do with this new arrow in your quiver.


I'm curious what video editor or slideshow software you are using, and any comments you have about it's ease of use for constructing slide show.

Doug Plummer

I'm using Soundslides Plus, which seems to have the most flexibility for formatting and timing. Neither iMovie nor Toast seemed to have the ability to alter the duration within a presentation except by changing each slide individually. Slideshow you can do it as a group. I'm sure there are others out there, I haven't done an exhaustive search.

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