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Jeff Henderson

Doug, It's not just bird sounds that Hollywood doesn't have a clue about. I am a Mechanical Engineer and I am constantly noticing how inept Hollywood is when it comes to properly portraying physical, technical and scientific topics in movies. Nothing bothers me more than to sit through an otherwise great film, and then have them defy the laws of nature or physics. I'm not referring to 'Dukes of Hazard' type movies where one would expect all of the stunts to be outrageous , I'm referring to serious drama, action, & adventure films. Even some Science Fiction films, which by definition are supposed to vier from reality, are hard for me to watch when they grossly defy the laws of physics.

stephen connor

An entomologist friend of mine went to see "Jurassic Park" when it first came out. Big scene near the beginning - the "scientist" holds up a piece of amber with a mosquito in it. Extreme close-up on the insect. It, after all, contains dinosaur blood! Dinosaur DNA could be extracted from it, leading to the possibility of cloning dinosaurs. At least a dozen nearby people have the entire premise of the movie ruined when my friend blurts out, "But that's not a blood-sucking species!"


Eric Hancock

I'm just happy to see that geeks aren't limited to the computer industry!

(spoken by a true geek)

Doug Plummer

I proudly rank myself a fellow traveler in the geek contingent.

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