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stephen connor

I'm totally with you on your feelings about Wall's stuff. "Soul-less" is about the only suitable adjective (other than, of course, "big"). Well, O.K., and "pointless". Uh-oh - I'm feeling a "Slag Attack" coming on. I'll just stop now.

Rob Heller

I also agree with your take on Wall's photos. I saw the show in Chicago and came away unimpressed. Did I miss something these last 20 years or so? Is his work out of the realm of art photography and is it as pretentious as it looks?

Rob Heller

I also agree with your take on Wall's photos. I saw the show in Chicago and came away unimpressed. Did I miss something these last 20 years or so? Is his work out of the realm of art photography and is it as pretentious as it looks?

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