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Doug -

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your comments on Walleye. As a displaced Seattleite living in St. Paul, MN (from whence the plurality, if not majority, of Prairie Home Companions are broadcast), I have wondered about the status of Walleye in the piscine universe. Thank you for explaining in words what I have been grasping at. Here Walleye is considered a King of fish, so much so that it was a scandal when the local media discovered that some restaurants were serving an imported fish masquerading as Walleye. WHO CARES?!?!

Hey, if you have some time to kill some evening on a layover [ooh, bad choice of words] through Larry Craig airport again, email me and I'll see if I can steal away from the family long enough to show you a restaurant with good local food (either high cuisine or low).

Thanks for your blog, I enjoy both the photo talk, and glimpses of home.

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