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Hi Doug

Actually Norment hasn't been gone long at all: they used it for a practice burn for the fire department just last year. The chimney didn't burn but someone finally got around to tearing that down a few months ago.


Doug Plummer

Thanks for the factual update. What's your take on the goings on?

lefty mcfadden

Sorry for bumping an ancient post. I just found this entry while searching for photos of NPR's "Wait, Wait..."

I'm from the Yellow Springs listening area, and I'm flabbergasted. This is the first I've heard of the campus closing! Of course, this isn't surprising given that I moved to Arizona a year ago, but really, I didn't know universities could shutter their doors. I mean, doesn't the meaning of the word "institution" imply some sort of permanence?

Had I known, I'd have visited the campus last time I was there to poke around.

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