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Jack Nelson

Well that looks pretty good for a first try. Nice and clear. If you're going to get serious with video, take the time to learn Final Cut Pro. iMovie is fine as long as you keep it simple; once you start getting fancy it really is easier with FCP.

Jeff Carlson

Coincidentally, I received a demo unit of the HG10 this weekend for a project I'm working on. Since I know this will come up, you'll need to think about how/where to store that footage when the camera's hard disk fills up. Fortunately, you can just drag the AVCHD-formatted files from the camera (when it's connected and shows up as a disk on your Desktop) to another hard disk or burn to a DVD. Doing so keeps the original footage in its compressed state; when you import to iMovie, the AVCHD is transcoded to Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC), which enables iMovie to edit it, but at the cost of a dramatic expansion of the media file sizes.

As I'm sure you discovered, that transcoding process is slow. A $30 utility called Voltaic can do the job outside of iMovie (say, while you're out and about with the camera). It's at http://www.mac1080hd.com/.

I wrote more about it at my iMovie blog: http://www.jeffcarlson.com/imovievqs/.

Also, as Jack says above, Final Cut Pro (or Final Cut Express 4, announced last week) is better for more serious editing. You can also cut together a rough in iMovie and then send it along to Final Cut.


Doug Plummer

Yesterday these terms were gobbledegook. Today they're merely incomprehensible jargon. It's evident after just one round that I want something more robust than iMovie. What I've actually done, of course, is uncover a new vein of material to blog about.

Paul McEvoy

Doug I really like the looks of that video. It definitely does not scream out "video"...looks very high quality.

That said your storage woes are just begining I believe.


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