Robin has another book contract with W.W. Norton. She writes books for therapists, outlining clinical protocols to use for various populations. It means I'll be in charge of dinner, dishes, and computer administration for the next year.
This book is going to cover depression, eating disorders and performance. Really, there's no common thread or sequence there. Under the performance enhancement section she has a chapter titled, “EMDR And The Artistic Zone: A Workshop For Photographers.”
The idea is this: working in the “Zone”, in performance parlance, means being fully immersed in the moment and in the creative process. In photography it means that interval of total connection with your surroundings, and being fully engaged in the act of seeing and capturing. Our premise is that Zone can be intentionally summoned. We have the power to go there when we want.
Now, Robin and I have been talking about doing a workshop together for some time. I know the creative and technical side. Robin knows all the brain stuff that's going on, and has the techniques. I'm the right brain—she's the left. We've even written it out. We just haven't actually done a workshop with this material yet.
We need your help writing the chapter. We need to workshop the workshop, run it a few times, then write it up for the book. So, all you Seattle area readers—wanna try out our workshop? Our only prerequisite is a working fluency with your camera.
Write me and tell me if you're interested. I'd like to put something together for late January, probably the 27th.
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