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Angus Grant

Hi Doug,

Does this mean you have given up on Drobo for your storage or just your critical storage areas? Drobo seems like a low-tech solution to home raid-type systems.


Doug Plummer

I want to reassign the Drobo to store older work that I don't need to go to very often. As an external storage box to access active files, it's lousy. It's slow to transfer data, it's slow to wake up and pay attention to a command, it slows up the boot-up process and it seems to occasionally play havoc with other connections. I would not recommend this box to anyone.

Angus Grant

Do you think these problems are just Mac related as I would be running it off a PC?

It's a real pity. The product has such promise.


Doug Plummer


Actually, I had much worse problems with the Drobo when I used it on my PC. It crashed Windows every time. The Drobo people were super responsive in trying to find a solution (the problem seemed to be particular to me, or rather, my motherboard), but in the end they couldn't fix it. And I got a Mac. I don't know if you'd have any problems or not.


Thanks for the frank comments. The drobo has such promise and is plainly just cool. But if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.

That's a shame. Perhaps I'll wait for Drobo 2.0??

Thanks Doug. Great blog by the way. Your daily photo blog is inspiring me to start mw own weekly blog.


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