Congratulations! You've won! You know where these emails end up, in your spam filter with the Spanish lottery winning announcement and the heartfelt Nigerian 419s. In this case, the win was legitimate and a nice treat.
The email was from John Paul Caponigro for a free workshop, and I did have to recover it from my spam mailbox. Apparently, someone signed up for Paul's fantastic newsletter, Insights, because of my blog posting, and thus I was automatically entered into the drawing.
Then again it could be I'm so influential that I'm being bribed. It's happened before, believe it or not. A hardware company, I won't name them, actually offered to buy back a piece of gear, at full price, if I would please stop writing about them, thank you very much. I was touched by the thought, but I didn't take them up on the offer. JP did ask that I mention the prize, which I'm happy to do, but it was hardly a requirement. Luckily, no one can access my visit logs, or these offers would cease immediately.
I did write a series of blog entries from John Paul's Black and White Mastery workshop last winter, and can heartily recommend his workshops, so long as you have a firm foundation in Photoshop layering techniques under your belt. I took the workshop when I thought I was going to embark on a concerted effort to wean myself from the darkroom, but it turns out I've hardly had any time in the last year to do any printing of any sort. Most of my shooting is for publication, or for web. I still have the notes, if I ever want to get good at this.
And in the next year or two, I might want to know how to print again. Or, maybe I should come up with a contest of my own: the free workshop is transferable.