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stephen connor

Ain't learnin' fun?!?


I'm sure I'd feel the same way about contra-dancing... I'm still recovering from the ballet class I took when I was 35 (don't ask).

Perhaps your piece could be the video analog of still photography- fast jump cuts with a rhythm...


One word - Tripod.

Something has to stay still otherwise the viewer gets all tossed about. You might try letting it all happen in front of the camera rather than chasing it. Video footage, like digital stills, is cheap. It's a nuisance in the cutting room but it's better to have reams of rushes with lots of dross than not much material.... with lots of dross. Because as you're noticing, there's generally LOTS of dross when you can't direct! Go in later with the camera handheld for those close-up cutaways, and get lots of them, too. They allow you so much more flexibility when editing. It's odd, though isn't it? The process bears almost no resemblance to shooting stills! Good luck, Andy

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