We're doing it again next month. Here are the particulars of our workshop, The Photograph Within.
Date: Sunday April 13, 2008, 10am to 5pm.
Location: Our house, NE Seattle, details upon registration.
Cost: $75.
Leaders: Doug Plummer and Robin Shapiro
Size: 10 participants.
To register: email me.
Description: Doug Plummer, photographer, and Robin Shapiro, LICSW, psychotherapist, assist photographers to find their optimum creative zone for personal or commercial shooting. Doug brings his experience and the art theory components. Robin brings Focusing, EMDR, and Performance Enhancement techniques. Together, they help photographers find and refine the neural pathways to their internal and external photographs.
We will teach you to be alert to those physical sensations that let you know you are in the “zone”, and to respond to the world from a deep and fast place. We will talk about process and neurobiology, and use exercises to deepen your awareness of your own particular cues. We want you to get deeply familiar with that arrangement of reality in the viewfinder that “you cannot ignore”.
Bring a camera (and a laptop if you shoot digital). The workshop has been revised and improved since the first round in January. Alumni of the first one get in for half price.
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