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Huh, so that's how they break up a big pane of glass. Pretty neat.

Tommy Williams

It's certainly a better approach than covering it in duct tape and hitting it with a sledgehammer.


That was very entertaining!

Les Richardson

Hey, I like this! LOL! and very tastefully done. Could have used some more lighting inside to reduce contrast, if desired. Of course, just a quick hack so let's not get silly... (grin)

Cheryl Brown

Hi...That is my son breaking the window up. I live in Minnesota and wanted family to see the video. It says video no longer available. Any way you could post it again or email it to me? Thanks.

Window Installers Mom

Mel Board

Nice video. Looks like these guys know what they were doing. Were you satisifed with entire job as I am looking to replace windows here in Seattle area. What company installed these?

Doug Plummer

We went with Seattle Door and Window. Great crew, they appear to like their work and did a good job. Best thing? they didn't have a radio.

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