As a typical liberal, elitist, latte-sipping irony connoisseur, I eagerly await the April 1st edition of All Things Considered to see which is going to be the spoof piece. I am on the road, so I had to search the NPR site for this year's version. It took me five tries through the playlist before I found it. I thought for sure it would be "McCain Competing with NFL in Primetime," which was a true account of the NFL moving the season opening game to acccomodate McCain's acceptance speech at the convention. Really. Surely, then, it was going to be the "Oregon Uses Lottery Approach for Healthcare Insurance." Sadly, this one is true. "Colorado Flushes Salmonella?" Nope. Come on, it's gotta be the "Profile of a Superdelegate." No, this is one is typical earnest NPR material. Not even "Oil Executives Defend Profits To Congress"? An April fools joke if ever there was one.
They whimped out of anything remotely controversial, electing instead to skewer high-art music in "Fluegel's 'B-Flat' Starts On A Good Note."
The BBC, however, has a good one here.