The latest video from the rest of the footage from Monday. Three hours to log, six hours to edit. We're starting to pick up a little speed here.
Squares at the Tractor from Doug Plummer on Vimeo.
Link here if your RSS feed doesn't support the embed:
If you need a lower bandwidth version, there's always YouTube:
I'll say you're picking up speed! The pace of this piece seems a lot sharper and quicker than the Camp Wannadance video.
I would think it would be very difficult to create a video with multiple sources of audio while running one consistent song/beat underneath (if that makes sense). Bravo!
Posted by: romanlily | July 23, 2008 at 11:25 AM
Thanks for the feedback. One big difference was the intended audience. The Wannadance piece is for the dance community, and they'd want to see dances beginning to end, if they could. This one is for anyone to stumble upon and discover a hitherto unknown scene.
Pacing the audio turned out to be key. I couldn't have A roll interview, then not have it for a long time, without the rhythm of the piece feeling totally off. So someone is talking pretty much through the whole piece. And it's a fast, frenetic scene and I wanted that feeling in there.
Posted by: | July 23, 2008 at 12:16 PM