Doing a little housekeeping around here, archiving last month's photos and the like. Among the small jobs I've had lying about was to organize my Daily photos and upload them to Flickr. You can see the sum of this year's photos on my latest set, in a larger format than on the blog. In typical Flickr mode, the sequence is even more random than on the blog.
One of the decisions I'm facing is the splash page on a redesigned website. Right now I have feeds from my blogs showing up on that page, which required some fancy coding by my web guru, Christine Larsen. It's one reason the Daily photos are as small as they are on the blog. I want less mess on that opening page, and want mostly one large image with sidebar content for everything else. I'm thinking, do I dare use a feed from my Daily photoblog as that image? It will change every day, and it conveys a meta message of extreme dedication to my art. But, well, shouldn't I be putting my best images forward instead? The Daily photos are about process, not about making masterpieces. As a typical Libra, I make a different decision about it every day. Anyone want to voice their opinion?
For what it's worth, I believe you can arrange the order of your photos in a Flickr photo set by using the Organizer button at the top of your Flickr home page, then loading a set and clicking the Arrange button. Your daily photos continue to be a source of inspiration for me - thanks!
Posted by: romanlily | August 05, 2008 at 05:54 AM